15 März 2011

back then: my most loved high tech devices ♥

So I hope all you guys recognize these lovely things!!! They were my favourite toys when I was a child. The yellow gameboy Pocket, was my FIRST GAMEBOY EVER!! i really loved it a lot! I got it for christmas indstad of a baby born slide, which was sold out. I cryed all night, because i wanted that slide so much, but aftewards I'm so glad I did not get that dam slide but this great device that I am still using. I always played Kirby on it. But I never finished it, cuz somewhere, in the middle of the game, I was too stupid to make the next level.. and now i can not find it ANYMORE :( But the Gameboy is still there, as you can see ;). 
Next there is my Gameboy advance! I cannot remember when I got it, but it became my favourite and still is. I always play Tetris or Pokemon the yellow edition on it. But as well as Kirby i could never finish the yellow edition :D I am just too stupid (thats also why I never played Mario, I am so horrible at those games). Still it's fun!!
Last but not least: the NINTENDO 64. a real gold piece and really retrooo :) It's still attaced to my screen, because I love to play Pokemon Snap or Puzzle leage or Mario Cart 64! I love to play racing games, I got about 5 for the N64. Its always fun to see someone loosing to you who did not expect to loose, because you are a girl ;)  sooo.. HOWS UP FOR A GAMING SESSION?? 


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